Holdem No Limit
World's Best Poker AI
Yes, No Limit Texas Holdem is actually more profitable than the limit versions. Because raises are limited only by your stock of chips, you can squeeze the most profits from your monster hands, unlike in limit.
You will play poker against the strongest poker engines including the world famous: Jagbot, Pokibot, Simbot, Sparbot, Vexbot, Averybot, Jambot, Oddbot, Xenbot.
And even write your own poker bot.
Simulate Everything
All types of Limit and No-Limit Holdem games: Full Ring, 5-max, 6-max, Heads-Up. Master any poker tournament structure. We've included numerous predefined tournaments such as Sit-n-Go, Pokerstars Sunday Million, WCOOP, Turbos, Double-or-Nothing.
No limit hold em is exploding in popularity. Before 2000, it could be difficult to find a game. In 2006, it is played everywhere in casino cardrooms, in bar backrooms and homes, and on the Internet. Improve your poker game! Play no-limit Texas Hold 'em poker in a 3D first-person perspective against one of three sophisticated AI opponents. Play no-limit Texas Hold 'em poker in a 3D first-person perspective against one of three sophisticated AI opponents. Hold'em comes in four betting structures: limit, no-limit, pot-limit and spread-limit. No-limit hold'em (NLHE) is the rising star of poker games. A few years ago the game could not be found in a live poker room, but the popularity of televised poker has increased interest in this structure. In some rooms it rivals limit hold'em in popularity and is about even in popularity at online poker venues. The lowest pair that cracks the top 20 best No Limit Hold'em starting hands. Pocket eights are strong, but will often face tough spots when an overcard or two comes on the flop. King-Jack Suited (K♦ J♦).
Analyze. Optimize. Grow.
Find weaknesses in your poker game using powerful analytical tools. Work with poker engines to correct mistakes. Test any ideas and strategies. You will see how this software improves your game. Beat real opponents. The time has come to become a Poker Genius!

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Free Texas Holdem
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5 Reasons to Download
The Strongest Poker AI Opponents
Texas Holdem Poker No Limit
They never sleep, never get tired. They are always ready to play against you. Poker Genius software includes the strongest poker engines which have been successfully tested in real Man vs. Machine poker tournaments, both Limit and No-Limit Holdem. Moreover with Poker Genius you can customize AI playing style: set aggression level, pre-flop and post-flop strategy, bluffing... simulate any real opponent's behavior.
Limit, No-Limit ring games, MTTs, heads-up tournaments
Simulate any game structures. Set the rake amounts for the ring games. Starting chips, players number, levels length for multi-table tournaments. With Poker Genius you are able to check your skill at such famous MTTs as Pokerstars Sunday Million, WCOOP events, FTOPS, Maximus... etc. It will be priceless experience which will definitely make you stronger when playing against real opponents.
You've got Your Personal AI Coach
The in-game AI advisor will help novice poker players to make a decision. It will show what AI thinks is a better move in the current situation. These advices are presented in percentages for raising, calling or folding as a pie-diagram.
Analysis is the Key to Success
Poker Genius is not only a game against AI opponents. It is a huge poker training complex which includes such tools as: Poker Hand Evaluator, Showdown Calculator, detailed Player Stats, Hand History Databases and Importer. You will feel the power of modern technologies and see how your poker skill is improving.
We Are Always Here to Support You
Poker Genius was developed by a group of talented programmers with the primary goal of bringing back the interest in poker AI. Technical support is available to all our customers with an average 1 hour response time. Just e-mail our support team or contact us via Skype.