Witchy Dream Catcher

What do dreamcatchers do? Purpose & Meaning of the Dream Catcher

It originates in Ojibwe culture as the 'spider web charm' (Ojibwe: asubakacin 'net-like', White Earth Band; bwaajige ngwaagan 'dream snare', Curve Lake Band, a hoop with woven string or sinew meant to replicate a spider's web, used as a protective charm for infants. Witchcraft and spiritual store that carries crystals, tarot decks, divination tools, books, incense, occult, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria supplies, pagan supplies. Just Witchy's is a metaphysical shop. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device.

Sometimes referred to as 'Sacred Hoops,' Ojibwe dreamcatchers were traditionally used as talismans to protect sleeping people, usually children, from bad dreams and nightmares. Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams, both good and bad. When hung above the bed in a place where the morning sunlight can hit it, the dream catcher attracts and catches all sorts of dreams and thoughts into its webs. Good dreams pass through and gently slide down the feathers to comfort the sleeper below. Bad dreams, however, are caught up in its protective net and destroyed, burned up in the light of day.
Dreamcatcher Meaning: Web, Feathers & Beads

All parts of the authentic Native American dreamcatcher have meaning tied to the natural world. The shape of the dreamcatcher is a circle because it represents the circle of life and how forces like the sun and moon travel each day and night across the sky. The dreamcatcher web catches the bad dreams during the night and dispose of them when the day comes. As for the good dreams, the feathers act as a fluffy, pillow-like ladder that allows them to gently descend upon the sleeping person undisturbed. There is some contention when it comes to the meaning of the beads that often decorate the dreamcatcher. According to some American Indians, the beads symbolize the spider—the web weaver itself. Others believe the beads symbolize the good dreams that could not pass through the web, immortalized in the form of sacred charms.
Witch Dream Catcher
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