Illuminati Card Game
German Translations start at 29:51Tennis Star Illuminati Card:often reveal their plans (for the most part subl.
- The fact that the Rapture card is depicted in this deck of playing cards for this game, and arranged last in order by White Magic practitioner, David Icke, speaks volumes about the fact that, in 1995, Steve Jackson knew the entire plan of the Illuminati.
- The Illuminati Card Game was originally released in 1982 by Occultist Steve Jackson, as a game in which players control secret societies and compete with each other to control the world. This version featured 110 cards, and was so popular that it received numerous awards, including being named the best science-fiction boardgame. Over the years,.
Most here would be familiar with the illuminati card game.
Did the Illuminati Make this RPG?
So I was browsing a conspiracy site and found this. It is the Wuhan skyline compared to the Population Control card in the game. Find the resemblancea little disturbing.
Personally I do not discount the possibility of the coronavirus being part of a NWO plot to centralize control.
The deepstate is well known to be linked to the Eugenics movement.
Brings to mind the Georgia Guidestones and the murals at Denver airport.
Sinister Sites- The Denver InternationalAirport
Anyway stay safe.
Steve Jackson created a card game called 'Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy.' Many conspiracy theorists are certain that the Illuminati trulyexists, and that Steve had insider information on their heinous plot to implement the New World Order.
Did the Illuminati Make this RPG?
So I was browsing a conspiracy site and found this. It is the Wuhan skyline compared to the Population Control card in the game. Find the resemblancea little disturbing.
Personally I do not discount the possibility of the coronavirus being part of a NWO plot to centralize control.
The deepstate is well known to be linked to the Eugenics movement.
Brings to mind the Georgia Guidestones and the murals at Denver airport.
Sinister Sites- The Denver InternationalAirport
Anyway stay safe.
Illuminati Playing Cards
Most here would be familiar with the illuminati card game.
Did the Illuminati Make this RPG?
So I was browsing a conspiracy site and found this. It is the Wuhan skyline compared to the Population Control card in the game. Find the resemblancea little disturbing.
Personally I do not discount the possibility of the coronavirus being part of a NWO plot to centralize control.
The deepstate is well known to be linked to the Eugenics movement.
Brings to mind the Georgia Guidestones and the murals at Denver airport.
Sinister Sites- The Denver InternationalAirport
Anyway stay safe.
Steve Jackson created a card game called 'Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy.' Many conspiracy theorists are certain that the Illuminati trulyexists, and that Steve had insider information on their heinous plot to implement the New World Order.
Did the Illuminati Make this RPG?
So I was browsing a conspiracy site and found this. It is the Wuhan skyline compared to the Population Control card in the game. Find the resemblancea little disturbing.
Personally I do not discount the possibility of the coronavirus being part of a NWO plot to centralize control.
The deepstate is well known to be linked to the Eugenics movement.
Brings to mind the Georgia Guidestones and the murals at Denver airport.
Sinister Sites- The Denver InternationalAirport
Anyway stay safe.
Illuminati Card Game Review